Parent/Guardian Canvas Information

  • Due No due date
  • Points 5
  • Questions 1
  • Time Limit None


Hello Parents and Guardians,

In yearbook this year I will be using this Canvas site to deliver all of my course content.  Your student will be able to use this site to view assignment due dates and submit assignments online.  I will be able to grade assignments more quickly and give better feedback.  Your student will also be able to access video tutorials and presentations from this site if they miss class.  Please read through the following information with your student and type your name in the field at the bottom of this page to verify.

Parent Account

If you would like, you can set up a parent account at the login page.  With your parent account you can see assignment dues dates, announcements, and other course content.  The instructions to set up a parent account are here.

Due Dates

Assignments will be due one week after they after they are given.  If that falls on a holiday, the assignment will be due the first day we are back in school after the 7 days.  I don't give homework in class because we have specific programs that are needed to do the assignments.  I make sure to give enough time in class to finish assignments, but if your student needs additional time, they are able to work in my room before and after school.


If your student misses a day of class, it is their responsibility to come in before or after school to make up a missing assignment.  They will need to do this within the week deadline.  They will need to watch the video tutorial for the assignment and follow along in the program.  They can ask me any questions they need to while they watch, but I find that most students are able to complete the assignment just by watching the video.

The due date for assignments won't change unless a student will be gone for an extended length of time.  They will need to talk with me before their absence and we'll work it out.


Every two weeks or so we will have a quiz on a design concept we have discussed.  Students will be able to take the quizzes twice and I will keep the highest score.  Quizzes will be open for a week and need to be taken during that time.  They will be given time to take them in class.

If you have any questions about Canvas or anything else in this class, please email me at


Brooke Anderson (Hanson)

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes